this is my friend's. she took it on her vacation around europe this summer. she's a lucky bastard. I envy her so bad. I definitely am going to spend my money on this, yes goin to france and visit Eiffel tower. Someday...
here's the thing, I'm on my exam week and today I succesfully end up with no study at all, I don't even touch the book. Why oh why? Because this exam is not-important-at-all, such a waste of time, money, energy, paper and so on. And the second reason is tomorrow's exam is Biology and Bahasa Indonesia and I don't know where to start to study so here I am, posting my blog haha. I finally watched Charlie Bartlett! Such a good movie, with Anton Yelchin in it of course. I won't review that movie because my friend already did, here in Vampibots. So I just want to share a few pictures from the movie, I got it from here . So here they are... From now on, I'm officially in love with Anton Yelchin . HAHA. And I'll put his name on my interest in Facebook info, alongside Gerrard, Michael Cera, Leo, Tom Hanks, Pato and other guys I love haha. Speaking of Facebook I got username there, so if you want to visit my profile just type on your address...
So, holiday for a whole week because the 12th grader is doing their national final exam (Good luck, Seniors!). And what am I doing this week? I don't know. Even on second day I haven't decided where to go or what will I do. So, here it is... Tomorrow I went to RS. Bhineka Bakti Husada to visit my friend, Dini. She got Dengue Fever. She's been there from last Thursday. I don't know when will she get home, but soon I think. I went there with Aless and Delia. Not long after that, Mba Ay, Ganesh, Fariz , Baim and Nara came.And I will post the photos as soon as I get it from Fariz. And finally I got chance to post it And today, I'm goin' nowhere, doin' nothing. I end up in my bed with my laptop. I also took a lot of picture of Mita while she took a bath. Mita is my family's assistant's daughter. I love her very much, like my own lil' sister. Mba Ida and her daughter, Mita This morning, I found something interesting in Google. SELAMAT HARI KARTINI!!!...
Because I hadn't take a bath right away, me isn't going with my mom. So here it is end up this Saturday lying on the bed surfing internet all day long. Firstly I changed my blog address, why because I think the previous one too long so people hardly remember it. Here it is,, same with my deviantart. Speaking about reddish, I want to share about the history of reddish name making. Before you read this post, you should watch this video first. Yeah that was silly, lame, whatever you say. I made that one when I still on junior high In my junior high school, Labschool Kebayoran also known as Labsky, I have gank, we called it Panic at the bis.Co consists of 6 people. Hahaha sounds cheesy. Me and my gank used to go home together with bus (because our home in the same district, about Cirendeu, Pamulang, Ciputat, in the Tangerang city), 72, and out of nowhere that name came. The idea of the name came from Panic! at the Disco and we changed it become Panic at the b...
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