21 April 2009

So, holiday for a whole week because the 12th grader is doing their national final exam (Good luck, Seniors!). And what am I doing this week? I don't know. Even on second day I haven't decided where to go or what will I do. So, here it is...

Tomorrow I went to RS. Bhineka Bakti Husada to visit my friend, Dini. She got Dengue Fever. She's been there from last Thursday. I don't know when will she get home, but soon I think. I went there with Aless and Delia. Not long after that, Mba Ay, Ganesh, Fariz, Baim and Nara came.And I will post the photos as soon as I get it from Fariz. And finally I got chance to post it

And today, I'm goin' nowhere, doin' nothing. I end up in my bed with my laptop. I also took a lot of picture of Mita while she took a bath. Mita is my family's assistant's daughter. I love her very much, like my own lil' sister.
Mba Ida and her daughter, Mita

This morning, I found something interesting in Google.


Hopefully, the rest of this week will be great. Aaaaaaaaand tonight will be Liverpool vs Arsenal.
So who will be the winner of the match? I will tell you tomorrow. So, see ya!


  1. iya riz emang, haha akhirnya gue apus2in aja deh yg porno2

  2. oya riz it's my first comment on my blog haha thkyou


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