
Showing posts from 2011

Usia Belasan Terakhir

Gatau mau nulis apa tapi pgn nulis. Intinya sih hari ini alhamdulillah sekali lagi Allah ngasih satu hari lebih lama buat gue hidup di dunia ini. Hari ini ga ada bedanya sih cuma ya kebetulan aja bertepatan sm hari kelahiran gue yg alhamdulillah udah 19 tahun dilewatin. Ga nyangka bisa mencapai umur 19 thn sgitu cepatnya. Umur terakhir di usia belasan cooooy. Taun depan udah kepala dua. Gile idup tuh makin deket kiamat emg terasa cepet, kata2 org2 sih bgitu sotoy aje emg mereka. Ah ngeri emg kalo udah mulai ngomongin idup, tambah usia tambah berat tanggung jawab dan makin ga jelas masa depan gue gimana. Ya Allah............... Intinya bersyukur bgt deh atas 19 taun keblkg. Alhamdulillah makasih ya Allah puji syukur atas seluruh nikmat-Mu. Smg semua doa orang2 ke gue tercapai. Amiiiiiiin Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Heartbreak Warfare

I never been into boyf-girlf relationship but I’ve heard enough of them. Though, I ever been into heartbreak, not that hurts because it’s just a crush, not true definition of loving someone blah blah blah. BUT, I’ve been in this super-unstoppable-painfully-crying-my-eyes-out-whole-night-heartbreak. I need hugs, ice cream, someone to talk to, to help me went through this heartbreak. Yes, when you know that you can’t reach your dreams after all this time, this restless fight is pointless, that’s a real heartbreak. YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT, IT HURTS SO BAD! Thanks God, I’m better now. Just put a fake smile, pretend that I’m moved on and everything’s gonna be all right.

Self and Fish

No one knows you better than yourself. Don’t cry or whine out of your problem to anyone else, either they don’t care or just curious. Trust me. Even it’s your best friend, closest friends or your family. Life is tough, hard and surprising. No one knows what will come up to your life in the next years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or even seconds. Everyone has their own problem don’t bother them with your problem too. It’s too selfish I think. I rarely tell my problem to anyone, back then in highschool life I probably never tell my problem to my friends, I’d rather write, you can go check my laptop and I have a lot of unfinished writings about anything, any possible thing that could across my mind. Why I rather keep it to myself? Because as I told you earlier, it’s too selfish to bother someone else with your problem. People change. I do change. Now, I love to talk to anyone about anything, but still not blabbering all out, you know. It’s not what I don’t feel, it’s what I do...

Mari Cukupkan Saja Perjalanan Ini

Delapan belas taun gue hidup, delapan belas taun seinget gue ga pernah ganti cita-cita. Dokter, selalu dokter. Gatau ya, mungkin pernah kesebut hal lain selain dokter, tapi seinget gue ga pernah. Ya perjuangan untuk jadi dokter pastinya harus diawali masuk Fakultas Kedokteran kan... nah awalnya pun gue ga bisa yaaa udah deh. Bisa sih masuk FK universitas swasta tapi gue gamau, gue gabisa ngubah pemikiran itu. Bokap nyokap gapapa malah gue masuk FK swasta tapi gamau aja. Gengsi kali ya faktor utamanya dan banyak faktor lain tentunya Nah udah deh, kemaren kan ikut SNMPTN tuh, tes yang ke 10 gue dan jeng jeng... ga diterima juga. Coba flashback, pertama ikut PBS UGM, UM Undip 1, UTUL UGM, SIMAK UI, UM Unsoed. FKUGM Int'l, UMB, SNMPTN 2010, SNMPTN 2011, baru 9 apa ya, lupa satu lagi... OHIYA SMUP Unpad! Iyalah gue lupa orang itu itungannya gue diterima hahahaha. Nah agak maruk sih ya banyak bgt itu tesnya. Gue ga nyerah untuk tes tapi ga dibarengi dengan keseriusan belajar yang smakin ...


Kehilangan kemampuan menulis, sungguh itu yang benar2 terjadi sekarang. Dulu jaman SMP, dengan Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi yang baru gencar2nya ada, gue bener2 dituntut untuk bisa nulis. Ya bisa dibilang kemampuan menulis gue ga buruk kok. Pertama kali inget banget pak Ucok, guru Bahasa Indonesia gue pas kelas 7 muji puisi gue, dan dikasih nilai 85. Nilai 85 itu bisa dibilang nilai yg tinggi soalnya biasanya pak Ucok ngsi nilai ke yg lain 70an. Dan gue pernah bikin cerpen pas kelas 8, gurunya pak Armat, gue inget banget dia bilang ini cerita gue bagus. Sombong yee, bodo amaaaat hahaha See, I had something on my writings. Since highschool, sucks. No more writings, never have assignment like to make such a real writings, I mean like sastra thingy. Probably my teacher ever got me to make writings but I end up just use Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V, if you know what I mean... and having this blog is like maintaining my writings skills. Jarang bgt skrg nulis pake bahasa Indonesia, bukannya ...

Reminiscing ESPOSE 2011, moment to remember

I'll remember the time when Teh AW recruit me as her staff... I'll remember the first meeting divission at pelataran rkm... I'll remember the first time we went to Djarum to give proposal sponsorship... I'll remember the shock when I was told to call Olivia Ong's management which is in Singapore... I'll remember the second time we went to Djarum, further discussion of this event... I'll remember went to Jakarta with Deny Karin Ayesh Vimo Jagap Joni to send proposal sponsorhip to Pertamina and Nestle... I'll remember rapat akbar sampe malem... I'll remember selling over 400ish presale ticket with my incredible humas team... I'll remember dimarahin Teh Risa gara2 ketawa pas rapat... I'll remember checking and arranged 2500 tickets one by one... I'll remember being Liasion Officer of Fruit n Salads.. I'll remember helping body and bag-checking at entrance... I'll remember watching the show from the very front row......

ESPOSE 2011 'Jazz Up The Ethnic Philosophy'

HIMA ESP UNPAD proudly presents ESPOSE 2011 'Jazz Up The Ethnic Philosophy' Saturday, May 7th, 2011 @ Sasana Budaya Ganesha, Bandung Glen Fredly Andien Barry Likumahuwa Project Endah N Rhesa Saung Angklung Udjo Fruit N Salads Jemima Kinetik Ramez EDGE Ticket only 60.000 IDR. Follow us on Twitter @espose2011! Further info for ticket purchasing, contact me via Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Siti nurbaya ooh siti nurbaya..

Deny: "fi, lo pernah pacaran ga?" Gue: "Engga, gue ga boleh pacaran sm nyokap bokap gue" Sandy: "kenapa ga iseng aja gitu ngelawan?" Deny: "Iya blg sm nyokap lo, 'ini bukan jaman malin kundang lagi'" Afi: "hah malin kundang? Siti nurbaya bodooooooooh" Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

Enjoying Bandung

My dad misses me so much he just called. I've been not coming home for about a month, most of my friends come home this weekend, I decided not to. I don't know know, I just feel have not miss my home yet. Besides, I have this event I have to attend. I'm just being responsible as the comittee. I'm not that typical daughter who's easily misses my family. My parents, especially my mom, travel a lot for business that makes me getting used to living without my parents. in fact I enjoy too much here in Bandung. My dad once asked me where I want to live, I answered anywhere but Jakarta. I don't really like Jakarta, I probably doubtedly never did. You know, mostly because of the traffic madness and the weather. I never thought I would live here in Bandung, especially as a student. Well, you know I always wanted to be in Jogja, study in FKUGM, I still wanted them though haha. So accidently, living here, in Bandung, is such a beyond imagination, turned out to be the...

Point Break

There's a point when you are so busy with your activities and you can't take a rest even to take a deep long breath. The only thing that can stop you is getting sick. That's what I've been through. Kinda sucks but in the other hand I'm grateful. I got a chance to take a rest, stay in my room all day, just lying in my bed. Thanks to my friends for taking care of me :) Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

College friends know who you are,

...High School Friends Know Why

Enough said

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