
Showing posts from April, 2009

Future has arrived today

Mimpi adalah kunci Untuk kita menaklukan dunia berlarilah tanpa lelah sampai engkau meraihnya Laskar Pelangi - Nidji Baru-baru ini pembicaraan tentang masa depan lagi hangat-hangatnya dibicarakan sm gue dan beberapa temen gue. Dan berbicara tentang masa depan, gue termasuk orang yang belom bener2 merencanakannya, kalaupun udah itu masih ragu, masih dalam tanda tanya besar. Masa depan disini maksudnya "Mau kemanakah lo setelah SMA?". Karena kemana lo pergi setelah SMA, menurut gue adalah pintu gerbang menuju masa depan lo sesungguhnya Hal-hal kaya gini emg seharusnya udah dipikirkan jauh-jauh hari, sebelum lo naik kelas XI, sebelum memutuskan mau ambil jurusan IPA ato IPS. Karena gue udah kelas XI IPA dan hampir (HARUS!) naik kelas 3, gue udah merasa patut bertanya dengan sepenuh hati sm diri gue "...mau melangkahkan kaki kemana setelah keluar dari pintu gerbang sekolah gue?" (ke rumah ajalah, Fi daripada bingung -_-') Dari kecil, kalo ditanya "kalo udah ...

Random things

As you can see in the right side, I put a new widget. it's Twitter. It's kind a micro-blog and you can follow updates of people, even it's celebrity, athletes or just your friends. And because I may not post something frequently here, I decided to put them there so you still know what I'm doin or what I'm thinking lately haha. So are you interesting? It's my page ---> and I got my first comment on this new blog haha, it's from my classmate, Fariz. talking about Liverpool, yeah they did win last night against Hull City. 3-1. And unfortunately Manutd also win, so they still on top of Premier League Table and Liverpool right behind them with 3 points gaps. *udah ga tahan pake bahasa Inggris* Ah payah deh Tottenhaaaaaaaaaam! Padahal si Setan udah ketinggalan 2 gol tuh. Apa boleh buat, tinggal nunggu keajaiban aja deh nih One of Dirk Kuyt's goal last night. source: li Warna blog gue balik lagi ke item karena... ya penge...

Blog Maintenance

I don't know why I titled this post "Blog Maintenance". I changed my layout colour, I just shuffled it and found this. So here it is.....light blue. Pagi ini bangun seperti biasa, mencoba upload foto2 dari ulangtahun chaca kmrn ke Facebook. Karena kemaren beberapa kali gagal dan memutuskan untuk mengupload pagi2 karena kalo pagi sekitar jam6-7 Facebook blm terlalu rame. Sebenernya ngaruh ato engga gue juga ga ngerti haha. Dan akhirnya berhasil, walau belum semua. Terus abs itu nonton DVD, Marley and Me. It's very touching, I kinda sobbing at the end of the movie haha embarassing. Nanti sore mau ke J.W Marriot (gaya bgt kan...?) diundang Chaca makan2 haha. Ok I gotta go, take a bath and continuing watching DVD haha Bye!

Midnight post

I kinda got Insomnia, here's my updates for today Chaca's Surprise Birthday Party. We went to her house to gave a lil' surprise. We got a lot of talk there, about movies and so on. And, on the way back home I decided to go to Poins Square. I bought some DVDs. I just back from my browsing on Big-Reds forum, and I found that Liverpool FC plans to visit S'pore and Bangkok. Oh eventhough Gerrard won't join this tour I still wish I could go there. Going to S'pore is easier way to meet 'em than going to Anfiled. Mamaaaaa I wish you got a lot of money so I could spend my holiday this July to see 'em.

Liverpool vs Ars(enal)havin FC

Ya ini dia hasil pertandingan Liverpool vs Arsenal tadi malam. 4 gol Arsenal semuanya diborong sama Andrei Arshavin. Bisa dibilang Liverpool ditahan imbang sama Arshavin FC bukan Arsenal haha. Oya dan hasil tadi malam membuktikan Liverpool musim ini bener2 dicukur habis sm Hiddink musim ini, pertama hasil 4-4 lawan Chelsea, dimana Hiddink adalah pelatihnya dan kedua hasil 4 gol oleh Arshavin, yang notabene adalah anak didik hiddink di timnas Rusia. Untuk sementara Liverpool berada di puncak klasemen dan kemungkinan diambil alih kembali oleh Manutd nanti malam. So, apakah hasil ini memupuskan impian Liverpool buat gelas ke 19nya? Time will tell........... Kalo ditanya hari ini ngapain? hari ini bener2 ga ngapa2in. Ga ada duit + hp mati dari kemaren = ga bisa kemana2. Barusan aja gue buka hp dan ternyata banyak sekali yang terlewatkan. Gue baru tau kl hr ini ada briefing, trs gue harusnya bisa k rmh Dini- yang baru pulang dari RS- karena ternyata ada Anin sm Azka. Yah gini deh nasib nasi...

21 April 2009

So, holiday for a whole week because the 12th grader is doing their national final exam (Good luck, Seniors!). And what am I doing this week? I don't know. Even on second day I haven't decided where to go or what will I do. So, here it is... Tomorrow I went to RS. Bhineka Bakti Husada to visit my friend, Dini. She got Dengue Fever. She's been there from last Thursday. I don't know when will she get home, but soon I think. I went there with Aless and Delia. Not long after that, Mba Ay, Ganesh, Fariz , Baim and Nara came.And I will post the photos as soon as I get it from Fariz. And finally I got chance to post it And today, I'm goin' nowhere, doin' nothing. I end up in my bed with my laptop. I also took a lot of picture of Mita while she took a bath. Mita is my family's assistant's daughter. I love her very much, like my own lil' sister. Mba Ida and her daughter, Mita This morning, I found something interesting in Google. SELAMAT HARI KARTINI!!!...

Chelsea vs Liverpool 4-4 (Agg. 7-5)

Anyone can support a team that is winning - it takes no courage. But to stand behind a team to defend a team when it is down, that takes a lot of courage

Menghibur Diri

TGIH, Thanks God It's Holiday. Seminggu ke belakang banyak kejadian yang terjadi, mulai dari yang menyenangkan sampai yang... ya bisa dibilang tidak menyenangkan. First, for all my school friends know what happend lately in my school. And thank's God it's over. I hope there's no other problem after this. And for my friend, be tough mate! Second, Ilina's Birthday. Here it is the photos... She got a bunch of surprise from her friends. She also got a big greeting card from Dina, her partner on Student Council. On Saturday, I was invited to Tamani Kafe for dinner. And yes we really did make her cry, she's too overly happy because we gave a really good scrapbook and video of her friends giving birthday greetings and wishes. Insya Allah videonya menyusul. Dan ya yang ini adalah yang paling tidak menyenangkan. Tadi malem adalah lanjutan UEFA Champion League Quarter Finals. Liverpool vs Chelsea. Untuk ke empat kalinya dalam 5 musim terakhir Liverpool harus berhadapan de...

Jason Mraz

Hm.. lagi ga mood nulis apa2. Nemu nih di blog sebelah, ikut2an aja deh sambil ngisi waktu haha. The rules: Choose a singer/band/group. Answer using ONLY titles of songs by that singer/band/group. Tag your friends (let them know they've been tagged). Once tagged, you gotta do it too. My choice : Jason Mraz 1. Male or Female? Bella Luna 2. Describe yourself! Sleep All Day 3. What do people feel when they're around you? A Beautiful Mess 4. How would you describe your previous relationship? Absolutely Zero 5. Describe your current relationship! Did You Get My Message 6. Where would you want to be now? On Love, In Sadness 7. How do you feel about love? If It Kills Me 8. What's your life like? The Remedy (I Won't Worry) 9. What saddens you? The Boy's Gone 10. What would you ask for if you had only one wish? I'm Yours 11. Say something wise! No Stopping Us 12. What would you say to your friends...

Fariz's Birthday and Dora wanna-be

It's almost midnight, and I havent go to bed. My insomnia kinda back lately. So it's quite long time since my last post. Here it is... Okay, I'm done with my test. The result is so good so far. No remedial, 9 out of 11. I got a lot of high score, (and the low one because I'm cheatting :p) Isn't that great? For me it's really great. I've never been got score as good as now. So, what's on this week? My friends's Birthday. There's Fariz on 31st March and Aje on the same day. Today is Didis 's. Tommorow will be Tammy 's. And on Friday will be Ilina 's. For Fariz, we got surprises for him. As he told on his blog, he got a very cool pool party (actually we push his ass off to pool at my school, not pool but fishpond :p), a very simpe chiffon cake, and last but not least we threw him eggs and flour. You just add some butter and he would be a cake dough haha. You can watch the video on his Facebook video. Here some photos... Some of the s...