
Showing posts from May, 2009

You've Got Friend in Me

Gara2 Fariz nge-post teasernya Toy Story 3 gue jadi dgrin lagu You've got friend in me mulu. Kebetulan beru ngopi lagu2 di ipod kiki beberapa waktu lalu dan tada! ada lagu itu. EH ya teaser itu bener2 menggoda ya, gue nungguin film ini keluar dan sekarang jadi ngebet bgt pgn nntn haha. Lagu You've got friend in me ada di opening creditnya di Toy Story, gue inget bgt itu adegannya si Woody lagi dimain2in sm Andy. Ini nih lirik dan opening creditnya. kalo ga bisa di play, liat disini . You've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me When the road looks rough ahead And you're miles and miles From your nice warm bed Just remember what your old pal said Boy, you've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me You've got troubles, well I've got 'em too There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you We stick together and we see it through You've got a friend in me Yo...

Story behind Reddish

Because I hadn't take a bath right away, me isn't going with my mom. So here it is end up this Saturday lying on the bed surfing internet all day long. Firstly I changed my blog address, why because I think the previous one too long so people hardly remember it. Here it is,, same with my deviantart. Speaking about reddish, I want to share about the history of reddish name making. Before you read this post, you should watch this video first. Yeah that was silly, lame, whatever you say. I made that one when I still on junior high In my junior high school, Labschool Kebayoran also known as Labsky, I have gank, we called it Panic at the bis.Co consists of 6 people. Hahaha sounds cheesy. Me and my gank used to go home together with bus (because our home in the same district, about Cirendeu, Pamulang, Ciputat, in the Tangerang city), 72, and out of nowhere that name came. The idea of the name came from Panic! at the Disco and we changed it become Panic at the b...


Bang! Bang! Bang! Hahaha I dont know why I start my post with that sounds haha. Ok, as I said on my previous post I will talk about Gerrard, the birthday boy. So here it is... Gue ga pernah se nge fans ini sama seseorang . Sejak gue kecil, gatau karena pengaruh siapa, gue suka sama Beckham. Itu pas jaman2nya Beckham masih di MU, semenjak Beckham ga di MU gue ga mengikuti dunia persepakbolaan lagi. Dan pertengahan 2006, pas Piala Dunia tepatnya, gue gatau sejak kapan tepatnya pokoknya sepanjang piala dunia gue tergila-gila banget sm Gerrard. Seinget gue, gue baca majalah BolaVaganza terus ada foto Gerrard dan mungkin itu kali ya pertama kali gue bisa jatuh cinta. Padahal sebelumnya gue pernah bahkan mungkin sering ngeliat di TV, inget pas Liga Champion 2004/2005 gue liat berita Liverpool menang terus ada Gerrard, tapi pas itu belom gimana2 Sejak itu gue suka banget sama Gerrard, gue juga jadi suka Liverpool, pas liat Alonso, Riise, Finnan, Sissoko wuih jadi makin jatuh hati . Gue ngikut...

My School is Sick, Barcelona and Upcoming Birthday

Yes, as I said on the title. My school is sick. Sick, I really mean sick. They are giving all the student days off, because there are Rapat Kerja. Why I called it sick? Because on the previous announcement, they say the days off would be only this Friday, and fortunately tomorrow they announced that the days off is until next Wednesday. Wohoooo! And it's shocking because I never thought that they will held the Raker on school days. Right away after the announcement my class was voting about where to go on the holiday, because we never did go somewhere after all year together, except for the Bali trip. And we decided to go Futsal on Monday. I can't wait for that day. Now let's talk about UEFA CL, it's been talked about people around Europe, may be all over the world. Barcelona is the UEFA CL 2008/2009 Winner, after oh-so-predictable Final. what a pity, United! Better luck next decade haha source: gettyimages Of course, Barcelona would be the winner, I predicted it from s...

this week highlights

1. intan's birthday. My friends and I made a surprise for her. With help from juniors we did the good surprise. 2. after intan's birthday, I went to Penvil, watched Night at the Museum And while we wait for the movie, Kariz had a lunch and we made a video. Not so funny though 3. I did shooting for my Bahasa Indonesia ass-ignment, but unfortunately we have to retake all the scene because of here and there errors 4. I watched Saman Sky Fest 2009. My school joined this event, but unfortunately we just made it to Juara Favorit. You could've been better girls! But y'all is improving from previous year. Fyi, this year my school's saman team made to final round which is good because we didnt make it to final round year ago. 5. I did terrible mistake. And it ruins whole things for like a month ahead. Over and out!

when tough times come

have you ever feel like you got a big big big trouble and you dont know how to deal with it? yes I'm really in the kinda situation like that. I believe, every year we have good times and bad times. And after long hapinesses in a row I do have tough times now. Dont ask what it is. When that times come I just wanna escape from my life but it wont happen of course. I kinda always think that matter all the time, even when I'm going to sleep. And it makes me crazy, really And now I cry, I dont know why, with no particular reason. But it feels so relieve. Cry really works when you need to throw your undefined feeling out. I really (need) miss my friends, who wants to spend in good or bad times. I really need one now, just one. Anyway, today is Ina 's Birthday. Happy Birthday dear :D so lame hahahaha


Yeah, mau cerita kegiatan seminggu liburan UAS kali ini Senin 11 Mei 2009 Minggu malem seperti biasa, seperti anak muda pada umumnya haha, gue buka Facebook, di homepage gue ada wall to wall nya Niki dan Gatri. Isinya mereka janjian di halte Jatipadang jam setengah 10 pagi mau ke pasar senen. karena gatau besoknya mau kemana dan secara spontan tiba2 gue blg niki mau ikt jb dan ya I have holiday destination for that day! Pergi sm Mba Ay, Niki, Gatri dan our guide, Melia . Walaupun ujan dan harus memakai jasa ojek payung, hari itu sangat seru, ya capek sih emang, tapi seru aja. Disana gue cm beli rok 2, itu jg ga dapet yg murah2 bgt, 15rban. Mahal sih buat ukuran barang second, ya tapi gmn, gue emg ga niat beli2 banyak dan lagipula gue udah males nawar dan males nyari2 lagi haha. Nanti gue upload foto hasil perburuan gue haha Trs pulangnya naik p20 dari terminal senen ke terminal lebak bulus, gile men naik bis dari ujung ke ujung haha. Sbelumnya liat2 toko2 buku gitu di kios2 depan termi...

Sepeda Baru ;D

Selamat berjuang kakak-kakak! Semoga hasil UASnya bagus ya haha Sesuai dengan judul post kali ini, gue akan menceritakan tentang sepeda baru gue. Ini dia haha Merknya United Bike. Typenya Monza. Warnanya (bukan merah D;) Silver Jingga halah. Jadi kemaren, Sabtu, ceritanya pergi seharian sm Mama dan Papa. Mama mau beli handphone baru, ya memang Mama butuh handphone baru, jadi kita pergi ke ITC Kuningan. Tapiiiiii emg dasar ibu2 ada aja keperluannya, jadi kita mampir dulu nih ke rumah temennya Mama, Bude Daryati, mau balikin mangkok. Karena rumahnya Bude Daryati di daerah Cilandak, Dapsus situlah jadi kita berangkat lwt Cinere, trs Pd. Labu, eh terus spontan (uhuy) gue cerita2 lagi tentang rencana survey rute buat Shaking Wheels dan gue minta dibeliin sepeda! (sebelum2nya gue udah bilang nih sm Mama Papa tapi Mama ga setuju haha) ga tau kesambet ato gimana tiba2 di deket Aneka Buana Pd. Labu situ ada toko sepeda, nah Papa tiba2 meminggirkan mobilnya dan............ ke TOKO SEPEDA!!! WOHO...