
Showing posts from June, 2009

Perjalanan dari Ujung ke Ujung Jakarta bagian I

Yah hari ini gue bangun pagi, layaknya mau pergi ke sekolah . Mau ngapain, Fi? Gue mau pergi ikut seminar sm nyokap gue. Healthmapper namanya. She said it's for future's sake . Gile ya emg gue pasti bakal jadi msk FK. Udah suruh ikut pemetaan kesehatan bgitu. Mama gatau kan kalau aku lagi goyah nih FKnya. Ya sekarang masih jam 8 pagi dan gue udah wangi dan rapi duduk di depan komputer ruangan Nyokap gue, ngetik. Mana belum pada dateng lagi staff2nya, asli nyokap gue tuh rajin bgt deh kalo masalah kerjaan. She's such workaholic. Ya sebelum gue ikut seminar nih, gue mau cerita tentang perjalanan gue ke Pulau Pramuka dan snorkeling di Pulau Semak Daun. Jangan tanya sama gue kenapa 2 pulau itu dinamain Pramuka dan Semak Daun krn bukan gue yg namain haha Jadi Jum'at kemaren disaat temen2 sekolah gue lagi pada deg2an nungguin hasil rapot gue malah sibuk packing. Ya gue bukan orang yg well-prepared , semua spontan. Gue cuma packing 10 menit kali. Terus jam 9 lewat brgkt dari...


Ok, ini semua salah Fariz . Di Facebook dia bikin album judulnya "Looking back to Sophomore year..". Di ngetag gue, dan mulailah dateng notifications bertubi tubi. Karena penasaran gue buka dong, dan wala! ternyata isi albumnya adalah foto2 di kelas XI. Ga cuma itu dia juga ngupload beberapa gambar dari yang berisi kata2 penuh makna haha. Dan ya, album itu berhasil bikin gue nangis tengah malem. Dan gue tambah INSOMNIA!!! padahal gue skrg capek bgt, tapi mata ga bisa merem. Mana besok harus bangun pagi, di suruh Nyokap ikut seminar....... OH GOD!


WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was having so much fun in Pulau Pramuka. And yeah I had my very bery first time going snorkeling. It was undescribable fun. Every minute in it was so fun, even when we got delayedI was still having good time with them. Really. I hope I could do it together again in another place, someday. I'm kinda interesting being diver like ka Nando. I want to have diving license someday....................... I gotta go, I will tell you the whole story, promise. Bye, Afoi

This week: It's all about my first experience

Sunday , Watching Final Round of Indonesia Open. (you could read on my previous post, here )That was my first experience watching badminton matches in Istora Senayan. Monday , Attending classmeeting yang-agak-agak-gak-penting. I didn't join any matches, I was just sitting around announcement table, and become the live match commentator. That was also my first experience officially become commentator, full match. My class's futsal match against XI IPA 1. And my class did win. In the afternoon me and some of my friends felt hungry and we decided to go to Rumah Makan Enak, in english you could say Delicious Restaurant haha. Again and again that was also my very first experience go there (Rumah Makan Enak, I mean) after almost 2 years I'm attending 28. It's so lame knowing that you never go someplace near your school haha Wednesday , I watched Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen. NO, it wasn't my first experience go to cinema. BUT, it was my first experience watched mo...

Aku Ingin

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana: dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana: dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada -Sapardi Djoko Damono

Hujan Bulan Juni

tak ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan juni dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya kepada pohon berbunga itu tak ada yang lebih bijak dari hujan bulan juni dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu tak ada yang lebih arif dari hujan bulan juni dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan diserap akar pohon bunga itu -Sapardi Djoko Damono

Djarum Indonesia Open 2009

Last Sunday, me and my friends watched Final round of Djarum Indonesia Open 2009. From 5 matches, Indonesia still had Taufik Hidayat on Men Single. So we watched him. Here we are the spectators.. this photo above is Dito 's Dan hari itu gue liat LEE YONG DAE! Dia ganteng parah, jago pula mainnya. I took a few picture of him. Fyi, he did win for men double against China. He is really good at defense and his smash is sooo damn fast. His partner is good also. I hope I could watch him on another matches. About Taufik Hidayat unfortunately he didnt win. His rival, Lee Chong Wei, played better. But that day I was still satisfy because I saw Lee Yong Dae. Dan emg pertandingan final ganda putra jauh lebih seru dibanding tunggal putra. Foto2 lain bisa diliat di album foto di Facebook, disini ato punya Dito juga ada, disini. Ya itu sedikit2 foto dari Djarum Indonesia Open. Hari ini seharusnya masih sekolah ada acara classmeeting, tapi krn bangun kesiangan dan udah males kl brgkt siang krn ...

Easy come, Easy go

I like night posting. It such a perfect time to me to write what I want to write, to tell all things that stuck on my mind. So what I want to right now is, oh men I want to type "write" instead of "right" , about actually I havent decide yet, I even havent write the title, it's still blank up there. And I come up with................feelings. I did write the title. Feelings, for me, it's just something that come and go without permission. I had this kind of situation, once I knew a boy, he was and also is good friend of mine. One day this kind of feelings came, I called it because-I-said-I-didnt-want-him-that-doesnt-mean-I-want-him-to-go . And now he went away. Not too far but not close either.............. What was that, Fi? What's the point? Damn, who cares anyway?

Official Announcement haha

here's the thing, I'm on my exam week and today I succesfully end up with no study at all, I don't even touch the book. Why oh why? Because this exam is not-important-at-all, such a waste of time, money, energy, paper and so on. And the second reason is tomorrow's exam is Biology and Bahasa Indonesia and I don't know where to start to study so here I am, posting my blog haha. I finally watched Charlie Bartlett! Such a good movie, with Anton Yelchin in it of course. I won't review that movie because my friend already did, here in Vampibots. So I just want to share a few pictures from the movie, I got it from here . So here they are... From now on, I'm officially in love with Anton Yelchin . HAHA. And I'll put his name on my interest in Facebook info, alongside Gerrard, Michael Cera, Leo, Tom Hanks, Pato and other guys I love haha. Speaking of Facebook I got username there, so if you want to visit my profile just type on your address...

My previous classes: SEDOTAN

My previous post is my inspiration to write this post and the next posts, perhaps. This post I'll tell you about my class in tenth grade, X-2 also known as Sedotan. Sedotan means straw in english. Sedotan is an acronym for Se puluh D ua O ke T ak A da Tandinga n *please someone help me translate the meaning into english?*. Here they are... The upper photo is when Tammy brought Krispy Kreme and treated a whole class on her birthday. The middle one is when we won the second place on Tata Laksana Upacara Bendera. The last one is when the teacher didnt come to class and we took a lot of picture. They are my reason why I could survive in 28. If I were in another class, maybe I would move to other school. They were such a wonderful people. They were good combination unite in one class. You could meet super duper diligent students, oh-so-hilarious-people-that-you-would-not-be-able-to-study-well, or just the shy one, who rarely speak. With those people you not only could study well but al...

Madagascar Escape by 3 Cars

That was the title of new movie from DreamWorks haha no no no that was the title of what happened tomorrow with my classmates. Madagascar is my class name. It stands for M emang A nak-anak D i Sebelas IP A Ti ga S ayang dan C inta Bu P ar mi haha actually we havent decided what our class name stands for officially so I prefer that one. The story is begin (or begun or began? Haha) from last week. It was spontaneous idea from one of my classmates to watch movie together in theater, which is the nearest one from my school is in Pejaten Village XXI. So we went there last week, and watched the movie. That was fun. So fun. We watched on Thursday because that day my school off earlier, 14.10. We decided to watch Drag Me To Hell on 14.55. Row G was full of people wear Batik uniform, which is us. The movie is so scary yet fun. And this week Star Trek finally arrive in Indonesia after one month waiting. So my class once again wanted to watch together, not all of my class, just 23 of us. So ...