
Showing posts from 2010


I am being attach too much on you all guys and I sure forget how to be independent. See, this weekend is christmas holiday and my friends are going home so I end up spending this weekend alone. Since I live in Bandung, being away from your family, it's hard to live, I mean doing activities like have 3 times a day meal, doing laundry and stuff, with no company. I'm so dependent to my friends. Anyway that's okay I kinda do have to learn to be independent again. Happy holiday everyoneeeee. Merry christmas for those who celebrate it, may you all surrounded by joy and grace with your loved ones. Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

1 minute 56 scnd mom's day greeting call

Pretty much like this A: halo assalamualaikum? mamaaaa kok ga bisa ditlfn daritadiiii? Lg diluar kota? M: ah bisa ah. Mama lagi di Bogor sayang. Kenapa? A: ya mau ngucapin selamat hari ibu M: iya kan udah dibales bbmnya. Makasi ya sayang A: engga masuk di aku bbmnya, pending ya ma? M: wah gatau tuh ya. Kamu udah jadi beli tiket finalnya? A: udah dong kmrn bru ditransfer. M: Ini kamu belom mandi deh pasti A: hehehehehe. Kuliahnya baru setengah 3 ma M: ya tetep aja harus mandi pagi biar tertib, kalo mandinya ga sekarang ya namanya bukan mandi pagi A: iya ma nantiiiii M: jgn lupa belajar loh A: iya kan minggu ini review praktikum pasti belajaaaar (Padahal reviewnya udah selese semua) M: belajar yg rajin jgn pas2an nilainya biar S2nya gampang dapet beasiswa A: aaaaaa iyaaa maaaaa M: belajar serius loh. nnti abis tgl 29 kamu balik k bdg lg tgl brp? A: gatau aku mau taunbaruan di bandung sepertinya M: loh? Kan ada bude fik ke jakarta kasian ga ada temennya A: iya tapi ...

Happy Mom's Day to every single living mother on the whole universe

It's been awhile. Life's been good. I get to know lotsa people more and more. I enjoy every single second here in ESP UNPAD. This week is final week of my very first semester as college student. Last meeting of courses, reviews of lab class and else. I've gratefully done all reviews... THKS GOD!!! To be frank, I don't care the results at all. Since I got all done this week by today, I got this chance to come home again but I miss it. I could have spent mom's day with my very own mom, at least I meet her eventho not full day. I know it's just another day but I realize I never did somethin special to my mom at that day. So I kinda want to give her somethin special, I always have plans to do this and that but it never happens. Hopefully next year... Mom, you probably never gonna read this but that doesn't matter bcs I know you know I love you too much, three much, four much. Mom, sorry I never be the person you wanted me to be, I'm trying mom, I...


People are busy capturing their favourite moment with camera, I'm busy capturing my favourite moment only with my photographical memory. I don't get the idea of spending moment with a lot of capturing picture, I mean I have experienced it back then in high school while I got this event and I'm busy capturing picture of myself and my friends and I end up didnt get the essence of the event. The essence, I mean, is the story of it, the memories of it. I realize photos and pictures are good way to keep your memories but the memories that lies in your heart is the other thing, the most important one. Now if I got this moment I won't keep myself busy capturing picture I will be busy capturing the memories that will lies in my mind, in my heart forever. I'm just saying, no reason why I wrote this. Anyway here I am in villa of GONG 2010. Alhamdulillah it's over. I'm glad, I'm satisfied eventhough there's still a lot of mistakes and misscommunication h...


I had this sickness over and over again. This is probably the third time I got this headache plus stomachache plus every possible ache that body could have in this freakin cold weather of Bandung. My mom said "ini cuma sakit kesepian" hahahaha and she is right. I got this expiration date of missing my home, if I reach over 3 weeks without coming home I'll get sick hahahaha. Weird huh? So GONG 2010 coming up in 3 days and hopefully I'll be fully fit and healthy on the D-day. Okay, bye bye Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®


Since I finally use Blackberry, which is I totally refuse to use it back then, I'll try to do mobile-blogging. It's cool I guess haha. So you'll hopefully get some short updates or story oftenly. Ok, now this is kinda my first mobile-blogging so enjoy :)) Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

You Know Who You Are

People say " everything happens for a reason ". I know now why. I wouldn't be with you all now if I got accepted in meds school. At some point, I'm grateful for this. Being with you all such a bless, such a good thing that never come across my mind. I know we're friends for only couple weeks or months probably but I'm really looking forward to make this friendship last. I know nothing lasts forever, since you all are special I'll make an exception. We will last forever. Don't ask why I write this, bcs I can't answer either. I know it's cheesy, lame, unyu, whatever. Really, I'm grateful for whom I with. Thanks guys.

Capek Hati

pernah gak sih ngerasa tiba2 males ngapa2in, ga ada gairah hidup, capek, bosen? Itu yang sekarang gue rasain, dan gue gatau cara apa biar gue semangat idup lg. capek ya membohongi diri sendiri, capek banget malah. capek hati. ya Allahhhhhhhhh :'(


Yes, home sweet home, finally... after rrrrr 3 weeks? My last visit is not counted, I was sick and it's only for few hours. So, it's 7 weeks probably. Being home is such rrrrr undescribable feeling. Really. And after this home-coming I probably am not gonna come home till December or January. So, how's my life in Bandung? Pls, don't ask, hey but you just asked, okay stupid monologue. My life's been hectic, tiring, exciting and amazing at the same time. This econ major turns out to be so much fun, bcs it's awhole new thing for me as a science student in high school. The best part is the new friends. I won't survive without them. Really. I love you, e!10 I just finished my very bery first mid-term exam, 9 hours ago to be precise. My mom asked 'how was it?" and I replied only with "Yaaaaa begitulah...". I can only hope for best result. In case for the worst, bad bad very bad score. I'm not gonna regret any of my exam's score, it's...


It's 3.32 in the earliest human morning on earth. I suddenly woke up. I still am sleeeeeeeeepy but I can't fall asleep again and, of course, that's sucks! All of sudden, my hands and its fingers lead me to this page, writing this post. My fingers told my brain not to think about what they gonna do. I do not think this post is my brain's work but of course it is! See, this is what's gonna be if you do somethin without your brain in fully control. My writing's pointless. WTF. I need blogging more, I guess. SO catch you later! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


geli banget ga sih judulnya.......................... -,- eh tapi beneran gue lagi rindu2nya, lagi kangen2nya, kalo ditanya apa yang gue rasakan sekarang, gue akan teriak KANGEN!!! dengan lantang. kangen siapa sih, Fi, sampe segitunya? kangen sama temen2 SMAAAAAAAAA! Gilak bgt gue ga pernah sekangen ini nih, kangennya tuh sampe galau2 gimana gitu rasanya Lebih kangen daripada sm nyokap gue, gila bayangin segitu tuh kangennya. Iyalah sama temen SMA dulu hampir 24/7 ketemu #lebay, kalo nyokap sibuk terus kerja pergi sana sini ya udah biasalah ditinggal2 ga ketemu nah ini yang biasanya ketemu dari senin-jumat pagi-sore trs skrg udah ga ktmu hampir 2 bulan gimana ga kangennnnnn.


this is my friend's. she took it on her vacation around europe this summer. she's a lucky bastard. I envy her so bad. I definitely am going to spend my money on this, yes goin to france and visit Eiffel tower. Someday...

Action Sampler


Buy me these, anyone?


Love Equals Football

I love football! I'm soooooooo excited with this World Cup 2010! Lil' dissapointed with the Opening Ceremony, the stadium wasn't so crowded the seats' not full, I didnt feel the euphoria like I had experienced in 2006 I dont know why. So, here we come here we go I'm gonna trying to watch aaaaall the matches after June 17th, haha not gonna happen that's too much


Yiah gaya bgt ya bahasanya. Engga gue cm mau memotivasi diri sendiri aja deh, gatau lagi dengan jalan apa gue bisa menghimpun asa yg telah berserah beeeeeeeeeh gaya. Gue skrg udah sadar kalo kekecewaan dateng saat lo terlalu banyak berharap, berekspektasi tinggi. Gue jadi inget tulisan di Buken FDV, Ekspektasi Nol, ya gue akan berekspektasi nol. Ga bukan ga optimis, ya pkoknya gitulah. Haha ga jelas bgt Somehow gue merasa apa yg ada di kepala gue kl ga gue tulisin, ato gue omongin ke orang jadi bkin gue nangis, makan ati, menyayat hati, apapun deh namanya, akhirnya gue seminggu ini being sooooooooo overly emotional, sensitive, I cried easily, for God's sake! Dont you believe that I cried all the time during I saw Karate Kid! Yes that one was so encouraging, about the fight and struggle which is sooooo me now. Gue ngerasa dari awal gue mau msk kedokteran gue udah salah niat, makanya Allah ga ngasih2 juga sampai detik ini. Gue semata2 hanya pgn cita2 gue tercapai, memenuhi ambisi dar...

I don't give up, just a delay!

I miss you red-dish! Sorry I've been leaving you for a rrr... while. Blame toinfinity-andbeyond and his coolness haha. Okay, what did I do? I just gave my blogs a sexual identity! --, Ok, since my tumblr's dashboard is full of Glee season finale spoilers I can't, actually I don't want to see it. So this is my getaway, the pefect one. red-dish, after all, you are always be my number one in my heart! haha You know what I've been through right? Yes yes yes I'm still on my fight to enter this fucking meds school! And after all these tests, yes I had 8 tests, I still dont get this future school! Thanks God, I got accepted in UNPAD, but not meds school unfortunately! I overused exclamation mark! --> I just did it again. So I decided to take this economic studies in UNPAD but no, don't think that, I don't give up on my very first goal, my ultimate goal of my life, become a doctor, I just delay it maybe. I fortunately still have this last shot to enter meds s...
I got my Year Book today. I am happy, satisfied and relieved but on the other side I'm sad, teribbly very sad. No, not sad, it's not the appropriate word. Hm... I don't know I feel so overly... overly... ah I couldn't find the word. So this is the book, It was good, real good *hey it's a brand!* I couldn't find the right word to describe what's inside this book. To me personally, this book has a lot of story. Every picture there has each story behind it. This is like portable time machine, I suddenly flashing back to my past and re-experience all the things I did during high school years! Really. I'm gonna miss high school, miss them so bad it hurts. No, I'm not gonna get anything like these again in my whole entire life. I'm sure not gonna experience anything more awesome than these, because I won't experience it with exact same people, same time, same place! So, it was an incredible moments with you all guys! I love you wholeheartedly...


Just nothing. I don't know what to write. It's exactly gonna be a bunch of crap, words without meaning, without point. My life no longer fun, at least now, today. I desperately live my life without no destination. Hell, what was that? I wrote that exactly? See, this is me now, first day of period, nothing's going wrong and I said that I desperately live my life without no destination? What a bunch of crap I wrote!!! Okay I need to do something valuable. Not like this. Stop do these things Fi! Your life is fine. Just fine. It's just another bad day. Just take a long deep breath. Inale. Exhale. Hufffff............


Hidup adalah perjalanan Melangkahkan kaki menyusuri jalan Jalan yang penuh rintangan Tujuan hidup kita sama Namun mungkin saja kita mengambil jalan yang berbeda Bahkan jika memang ditakdirkan berada di satu jalan pasti kita akan bertemu belokan atau persimpangan Disana kita memilih ke kanan atau kiri Kemana hati akan membawa kaki ini Tak ada yang tahu Dengan apa atau siapa akan bertemu Selamat jalan dan sampai jumpa kawan Sampai bertemu di tempat tujuan

Buat Kamu

--> “Fi, gimana, Fi?” “Gimana apanya?” “Itu yang kemarin gue cerita sama lo.” “Oh, yaudah gampang, nanti istirahat gue kenalin.” “Demi apa?” “Iya, beneran. Mau ga dikenalin?” “Iya iya iya…” “Yaudah.” “Parah, lo emang sahabat gue paling oke sedunia!” Dika pergi meninggalkanku sambil senyum-senyum sendiri. Dika selalu begitu. Dia selalu gampang tertarik dengan seorang perempuan. Yang kali ini, dia bertemu di angkot saat dia pulang kemarin. Tak disangka tak dinyana ternyata yang dia lihat itu temanku, Intan. Aneh, padahal Intan juga satu sekolah denganku dan Dika, tapi mengapa Dika baru lihat si Intan kemarin. Ckckck. *** Pagi ini berlalu seperti biasa, tapi tidak biasa dalam tiga bulan terakhir ini. Biasanya tiap pagi begitu sampai sekolah aku sudah disambut hangat oleh Dika, biasanya dia meminjam PRku dan menyonteknya atau bahkan hanya mengobrol biasa, tapi tidak untuk tiga bulan terakhir ini. Semenjak Dika berkenalan dengan Intan, Dika mulai dekat...


About 34 hours from now, I'm going to have my National Exam. I supposed to be in my room right now, but here I am, writing this post in front of computer. No special things I'm going to write, just my random thoughts as usual. I dont care what people think, say, and talk about me. I just dont give a damn. I believe what I believe. Well, I'm not that idealistic but yeah I have my own belief. My father once said that, religion is not just about praying to your God and do your God's command. It's also about sticking up with its value, what your religion told you to, and apply it in your life. My father was right. Your ibadah is only your bussiness with your God. What you do, how you act, what you say, is your bussiness with other people. No, I'm not a good person, I'm still far from it but I'm trying to be one. I do cheat but no not for this one. It's just not me. Do your best and let God do the rest :) Bismillah...

Dear, Failure! Please Don't Be My Middle Name!

I lost my ability in writing. I've been just writing three post this year. It's kinda hectic moment of my life. It's overwhelming. I really am stressful. In this moment I just wanna take a break. I want to have a getaway. And I found that my blog is the perfect getaway. Writing is one of my favourite thing to do when I feel so mess up. I ever wrote my blog while crying or even with fully-smile-face. and I dont care about what I wrote because I know people won't read it haha. My ultimate goal this year: become med school student, not just FKUGM. As long as it's med school and I'm being accepted there I will definitely take it. No, I'm not pesimistic with my very first goal, but I'm just being realistic. About fifteen thousand people are wanting to become med school student this year and just about 300++ luckiest of all gonna be accepted. That's a huge number guys! It's 1 : 50!!! And I failed in my very first enroll test. PBS. And I'm going to ...

Leonardo DiCaprio

Siapa sih yang ga kenal sama aktor satu ini? Kalo lo ga kenal, ter-la-lu. Kenapa gue tiba2 mau ngomongin dia? Karena kemaren baru aja nntn Shutter Island , filmnya dia setelah film paling terakhir Body of Lies dan Revolutionary Road keluar pada tahun 2008. I kinda miss him. And after 2 years waiting I finally watched him again. Dari film-film Leo yg udah gue liat: The Basketball Diaries, Titanic, The Beach, Catch Me If You Can, The Aviator, The Departed, Blood Diamond, Body of Lies, Revolutionary Road dan terakhir Shutter Island , kemampuan akting Leo makin oke aja. Pertama kali liat dia di Titanic, waktu itu gue masih SD, gue cuma liat dia dari tampang doang, ya maklumlah masih anak-anak. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, pas SMP kelas 2 kl ga salah gue nntn Catch Me If You Can, disitu pertama kali gue jatuh cinta sama Leonardo DiCaprio. Di film ini Leo jadi buronannya Tom Hanks, karena dia pinter bgt malsu2in cek, terus dia ganti2 profesi, mulai co-pilot sampai jadi dokter, semua i...

Hidup itu ga adil...

Kata siapa? Siapa yang bilang hidup ga adil? Semua orang bilang hal itu gila! Yah kl buat gue itu udah cukup adil karena semua merasa hidup itu ga adil


Halooooooooooo! GUE ADALAH MERUPAKAN SANGAT KANGEN NGEBLOG!!! *kalimat ga efektif sedunia* Apa kabar kalian? Semoga baik Kabar gue? Alhamdulillah masih dikasih umur sama Allah, masih bisa nafas sampai sekarang. Masih berjuang untuk meraih mimpi dan cita-cita haha bahasanya... Ya sekarang gue kelas XII, seperti anda semua ketahui *padahal ga semua tau juga sih ya* , dan disibukkan dengan belajar dan belajar buat persiapan UN dan tes masuk PTN ternama di Indonesia. Sebagai putra putri bangsa Indonesia yang memiliki cita-cita setinggi langit dan yang mulia *Amin* gue pengen, mau, harus, wajib, insya Allah *tolong diaminin: Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!* jadi dokter. Ya dan gue memilih Universitas Gadjah Mada sebagai pilihan perguruan tinggi untuk melanjutkan studi untuk meraih cita-cita yang tersebut diatas. Ya jadi di post ini saya memohon doa dan restu bapak-bapak ibu-ibu adek kakak om tante pakde bude semuanya!!! Segenap bangsa Indonesia bahkan orang di seluruh pelosok dunia t olong do...